Physical Specifications for Braille

These specifications define the size of braille dots and the distance between them on signage as recommended by the Australian Braille Authority.  These specifications were revised in February 2014.

While these standards allow for a range of dimensions, there should always be internal consistency on a sign with a maximum of 1% variation.

A braille character is composed of a combination of dots from a matrix of three rows and two columns, known as a cell.

full braille cell with 2 columns of 3 dots

a braille cell

Distance between dots

Horizontal or vertical distance from centre to centre of adjacent dots in the same cell = 2.3 mm – 2.5 mm

Horizontal distance from centre to centre of corresponding dots in adjacent cells = 6.0 mm – 7.0 mm

Vertical line spacing from centre to centre of nearest corresponding dots in adjacent lines = 10.0 mm – 11.0 mm

A gap between words is indicated by a blank braille cell.

diagram illustrating distances between dots in the braille cell, as described in the text above

Dot size

dot base diameter = 1.5 mm – 1.6 mm

dot height = 0.6 mm – 0.9 mm

spherical radius = 0.76 mm – 0.81 mm

Spherical radius r is related to the dot base diameter d and dot height h, as illustrated in the diagram below.

An arc with radius r, dissected with a horizontal chord of width, d. r is equal to (half d) squared plus h squared, all divided by 2h.

link to Round Table websiteThe Australian Braille Authority is a subcommittee of the Round Table on Information Access for People with a Print Disability Inc.

Last updated: October 18, 2020 at 10:27 am